We are working on the most serious oil pollution case in Taiwan’s history. We have advised the shipowners and their protection and indemnity clubs and International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Limited (ITOPF) on problems concerning wreckage removal, application of the Taiwan Sea Pollution Prevention Act, the Taiwanese Maritime Law, the 1969 and 1992 CLC Conventions and the 1976 Limitation of Liability. We have worked closely with international experts and specialist in various areas such as fishery, corals, environment, tourism and taxes to analyze pollution liability and to quantify damages and losses that occurred and/or may occur from the oil pollution.
We have also been closely involved on behalf of clients in the prosecution of violations of the MARPOL Regulations and other similar regulations enforced by the Taiwan port authorities.
We are actively involved in collision cases. We take instructions from shipowners, hull & machinery underwriters and protection & indemnity clubs. In addition to litigation work, we have represented shipowners in maritime casualty investigations conducted by the harbour authorities, interviewed crews and shipmasters and taken statements from crews; negotiated with the opponent shipowners for settlements, exchanged letters of undertaking and obtained securities by arrest of ships.
Our experience includes litigation and mediation with the port authorities in respect to collision claims, indemnification for physical damages to port facilities and loss of profits and other related claims.
We have been asked to give expert opinion regarding Taiwan law and regulations for submission to the Courts of England and Wales, the London Maritime Arbitration Associations and other arbitration organizations. We work closely with the leading U.K. admiralty law firms in salvage cases, Lloyds Open Forms arbitrations and general average.
We represent shipowners in defending their interests against consignees, shippers and their underwriters. We have experience wuth various types of cargo, including container cargo, timber, iron, steel, chemicals and other bulk cargos. Most of these cargo claims involve wrongful delivery, stevedore damages, the damages and losses to the cargo.
We were asked to handle ship repairs and building claims. We have experience in representing shipyards and shipowners. We also, on behalf of shipowners, obtain liens on cargo to obtain security for freight & demurrage claims. We have been asked to testify before the Courts of England and Wales on the issue of foreclosure of the carrier’s lien on cargo.
We have experience in handling voyage charterparty, time charterparty and bareboat charterparty disputes. The cases we have handled were decided at the London Maritime Arbitrations, New York Arbitrations, Japan Shipping Exchange Arbitrations and litigation before the Taiwanese courts and the courts in other major admiralty jurisdictions.
本We have experience in representing sellers and buyers. Our experience includes drafting sale & purchase agreements, reviewing various standard forms of construction contracts, sale and purchase contracts, negotiating contracts, effecting the ownership registrations, enforcing sale and purchase contracts, and pursuing and defending claims for breach of contracts in litigation and arbitration proceedings.
Our experience is primarily in the representation of lenders. The finance transactions in which we were involved include syndicate loans and leasing finance. We assist clients in drafting loan agreements and mortgage agreements, and in effecting ship mortgage registrations in various jurisdictions, and foreclosing mortgages onshore and offshore.
We have handled shipping agency contracts. Our experience includes the drafting of agency agreements, enforcing agency contracts, and terminating agency contracts. Moreover, we assist clients in establishing shipping agencies and in dissolving their business and deregistration.
We have represented shipping companies in negotiations for leases of the piers and the port facilities, making appeals and filing administrative lawsuits against the port authorities’ orders imposing fines and blacklistings for violations of the direct navigation between Taiwan and China and violations of embargo orders, Customs and import and export regulations, and we have filed lawsuits seeking indemnity for the authorized carriage of hazardous cargo and substances.