1. 外國公司能否享有不動產抵押權?
2. 抵押物查封後滅失,查封效力是否及於保險金
3. 抵押物查封後對最高限額抵押權之影響
4. 有關法院拍賣動產抵押物問題之探討
5. 談股東自製委託書授權出席股東會之效力
6. 公司法第208條第3項「代理」董事長含義
7. 談公司合併時股東請求收買股份問題
8. 外商來華從事商務的組繢型態
9. 我國企業與國外企業從事合資事業之有關法律問題
1. Force Majeure Clause in Construction Contracts -- Taiwan
2. Enforcement of Judgements in the Republic of China
3. Various Forms of Business Available to Foreign Companies Operating in R.O.C.
4. Legal Aspects of Mergers and Acquisitions in the Republic of China
5. Patent and Trademark Protection in Taiwan
6. Amendment of R.O.C. Trademark Law
7. Investing and Doing Business in the R.O.C.
8. Enforcing Patents in Taiwan
9. Remedies in Taiwan Available to Financial Institutions
10. Legal Aspects of Setting Up Manufacturing Facility in Taiwan by Japanese Manufactures
11. M & A Due Diligence in Taiwan
12. Judicial Reform Movement in Taiwan -- The Private Sector