1. 外國仲裁判斷承認與執行之概貌-我國實務見解的觀察
2. 國際仲裁案件中之證據法則(合著)
3. 國際仲裁案件中仲裁庭之組成(合著)
4. 國際仲裁事件線上仲裁應注意事項──從正當法律程序原則談起(合著)
5. 國際仲裁事件所涉及之適用法(合著)
6. 國際仲裁事件管轄權──從仲裁人自我審認管轄權原則(Competence-Competence Rule)談起(合著)
7. 智慧財產訴訟新紀元 (合著)
8. 台灣專利案件之定暫時狀態處分
1. Jurisdiction over Labor Disputes Involving Intellectual Property Rights
2. IP Rights Police Measures for Dealing With Online Copyright Infringement
3. Taiwan Legislative Amendment Introducing Administrative Border Control Measures
4. Taiwan Enhancing Penalties for Trade Secret Misappropriation
5. Amendments to Taiwan Patent Act
6. An Overview of the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Award in Taiwan
7. FTC Conditional Approval of One-Blue, LLC Patent Alliance